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How To Get Your Instacart Shopper Account Reactivated After Getting Deactivated

Updated: Nov 15, 2022

How To Get Reactivated To Instacart Easily / Steps To Get Your Instacart Shopper Account Restored After Getting Banned From the Instacart Shopper Platform

In this article, we will discuss ways to get your Instacart Shopper account reactivated.

Keep in mind, Driverly Premium Membership gives you immediate access to Reactivation Services. Driverly will write a professional letter to Instacart for you in an attempt to get your account restored. Keep in mind this is not 100% guaranteed, but has worked for many gig workers so far.

How To Get Your Instacart Shopper Account Reactivated After Getting Deactivated

We all know that working for a gig company such as Instacart has its major advantages.

You can create your own flexible schedule or even deposit your earnings instantly in your bank account. You can even decide what batches you want to accept!

While Instacart gives its drivers a lot of perks, Instacart also has the right to ban your account at any time.

Life Hack: Driverly Premium offers Reactivation Services for its members. Signup for Driverly Premium now.

In many cases Instacart can even deactivate your account without giving you the reason why.

Luckily for you, if you have gotten your account deactivated from Instacart, there are different ways you can try to get your account back.

Whether you want to know how to make sure your account stays in good standing or you've trying to figure out how to get your account reactivated, you've come to the right place!

Reasons for Deactivation

Want to know the first step in making sure your account does not get banned?

Read the Instacart Contract.

Yes, that contract that you had to sign before you started working for Instacart but probably didn't read.

It may seem like a hassle to go through the entire agreement but by going through the contract you'll have a better understanding of how to be a top notch delivery driver. It can also help you avoid getting your account deactivated.

Also, once you actually start delivering groceries you'll want to make sure your account stays in good standing by regularly checking your delivery stats!

Here are some reasons that your account can be deactivated.

1. Low ratings

Low ratings depend entirely on your customer service.

Here are some reasons your customers may give you low ratings.

  • Slow Delivery Time

Make sure you stay within the timeframe that Instacart gives you to deliver your


If for some reason you cannot make it within the given time, communicate

with the customer so that they are aware and will hopefully understand!

  • Making Poor Replacement Choices

There will be instances where the customer will put in the app that they want you to

make the best replacement choice if their order is not in stock.

It would obviously be the easiest to pick the first item you see that looks similar to the

original item. However, this does not mean this does not mean it will be a good


To make sure you are making the best decision, read the label to make sure it is as

close as possible to the original item.

If you are still unsure of your choice, you can always reach out to your customer to ask

their opinion.

It is always better to over communicate.

  • Missing Items

When you are shopping for multiple batches at one time, it can be easy to mix up the


Double check that you have all the items grouped correctly in the bags.

Try to organize the bags that belong in the same order together in your car so it is

easier to find them when you are ready to deliver the groceries.

  • Melted Frozen Items

No one wants their ice cream delivered to them in the form of soup.

Always shop for your frozen items last so that they can stay cold for as long as possible.

You can also place your cold items in (cooler bags) so that they can keep their


  • Tampering with food

Never take any of your customer's food.

If something accidentally gets opened, let your customer know so that they don't think

that you messed with their groceries.

  • Delivering to the wrong house

Sometimes it can be difficult to see the house or apartment number when you're trying

to find where you are supposed to leave the groceries.

Even though it can take time to confirm it's the right place, take the time to make sure

you are at the correct location because the customer will not be happy if they have to

hunt down their groceries.

2. Selfie Verification

Instacart has it's drivers regularly submit selfies to verify that they are who they say they are. This may seem straight forward but unfortunately many drivers get deactivated because their selfie doesn't pass verification.

Even if you are indeed the one on the profile, Instacart may deactivate you because your selfie isn't up to Instacart standards.

Here are a few tips to make sure your selfie passes.

  1. Make sure your photograph is clear

  2. Do not wear any accessories that cover parts of your face

  3. Have good lighting

Keep in mind there have also been instances where people make facial changes, such as growing a beard when they did not have facial hair in original verification photo which can result in deactivation.

Once you submit your selfie verification, there is no re-do button so make sure that your photo meets all the standards or you can get instantly deactivated!

3. High Cancellation Rate

You already have the ability to choose your own batches so once you do accept an order, you need to complete it or you will get penalized.

If there are orders that you do need to cancel for whatever reason, keep in mind that Instacart can deactivate your account if you have more than a 15% cancellation rate.

For drivers that are new to Instacart, the cancellations that you make within your first 30 batches do not count toward your cancellation rate .

Luckily, the number of cancellations you make does not affect the batches that show up on your phone but you don't want to make it a habit.

If you do cancel because of an emergency, you can try contacting customer support to not have it count toward your cancellation rate. This does not work all the time but it is definitely worth a try!

4. Alcohol Policy

If you are delivering alcohol to a customer there are many guidelines that you must follow.

These are just some of the ways you can violate the terms of service when it comes to alcohol deliveries.

You need to make sure the customer is the one who ordered the groceries and that they show you a valid ID verifying they are at least 21 years old.

Their ID cannot be expired and if you have some doubts that their ID is fake, do not drop off the alcohol.

The customer also needs to physically be there with their ID for you to successfully drop off the alcoholic beverages.

There are some instances where the customer could tell you that they are not home but they left their ID by the door. Do not leave the alcohol there.

Plain and simple, no customer then no alcohol.

You also cannot deliver alcohol to a visibly intoxicated person. The customer has to be in sound mind to sign for the delivery.

If you violate any of the requirements in regards to alcohol deliveries listed by Instacart, you will get deactivated.

5. Using Bots

Seeing a $100 batch disappear before your eyes might tempt you to get a bot to help swipe for batches but this is a terrible idea.

Instacart is able to detect whether you are using any third party apps. While you might get away with using a bot in the beginning, it is only a matter of time before you get deactivated.

Once you get banned for using a third party app, it lowers your chances significantly for getting your account back.

6. Unprofessional/Inappropriate Behavior

Always speak to your customers politely and respectfully. If you are harsh toward your customers, not only can they give you a bad rating but you can automatically get deactivated.

To avoid a he said she said situation, only talk to your customers using the Instacart app.

Instacart records and monitors any conversation that is made through their app which can be very helpful if you need to prove you did not do anything wrong.

Also, do not forget to have good attitude while you are shopping for the groceries as well because employees can also complain to Instacart if you are being unprofessional.

7. Shopping with Someone Else

While we would all love to bring along a friend to help the hours go by faster, Instacart prohibits shoppers to bring someone along.

This means no matter how many cases of water you may need to cary, you're going to have to do it yourself.

8. Giving the Customer their Receipt

Do not give the receipt to your customer under any circumstances.

There are several reasons why you should not give the receipt after the delivery.

One reason you need to hang on to your receipt is in case the customer complains that there are missing items. Your receipt can prove that you indeed purchased the items.

Another reason to keep the receipt is that it is actually against the Instacart Shopper Agreement to give the customer the printed store receipt.

If your customer asks for it, just let them know that a copy should have been a emailed to them.

9. Duplicate Accounts

You may be earning so much on the app that you are considering making another account to earn even more. Well, this is your sign not to not create a second account.

Instacart only allows for individuals to have one shopper account.

If you are thinking you can outsmart their system, let's go over the roadblocks that will ultimately get you deactivated.

Firstly, to create a new account you have to use a different phone number since Instacart accounts are linked directly to the device that you are using.

If you think you can get past this by getting a fake number or using a different phone, you may be right but it will only get you as far as the background check.

Once you submit your information to be reviewed, Instacart will detect that you already have an account and can deactivate you for attempting to create duplicate accounts.

Let's say you try to bypass the background problem by uploading someone else's drivers license and information, which by the way is also against their terms of services.

Even if your account does get approved, Instacart asks drivers regularly to upload selfie images to make sure you are who you say you are.

On top of that, when you are assigned an order your customers can see your profile. If they see that you are not the person in the photo, they can report you and your account will get banned.

In other words, it's just not worth it to even try making a second account.

As you can see there are many circumstances where you can get your account automatically deactivated. However, for certain violations, Instacart actually has a three strike policy.

For example, if you deliver the groceries to the wrong house, Instacart may not automatically ban. Instead, they will give you one strike and just like the popular saying, three strike's your out, or in this case you are deactivated.

How to get your account reactivated

If you wake up one morning and realize that you cannot access your Instacart account, do not panic! Luckily there are ways that you can go about in getting your account back!

The first step you should take is to try to find the reason you were deactivated. We use the word 'try' because it is common for Instacart shoppers to have their account suspended without being told why.

Finding the reason just makes it easier to see if Instacart made a mistake on banning your profile.

If you can't find the reason you were deactivated, don't worry, you can still appeal the decision!

1. Contact customer support by the app

When you find out your account is banned the quickest way to find out if you can get reactivated is by contacting customer support via the Instacart shopper app.

Since they automatically give you a Instacart support representative to talk to, you can find out if they can reactivate your account themselves.

Surprisingly, how the conversation goes can depend entirely on who you are talking to. There are some customer support reps that really try everything in their power to reactivate your account, especially if it was deactivated in error or for a small reason.

However, there are also customer representatives that will automatically tell you that there is nothing they can do and your best bet is to email Instacart support.

So if this is the method you are trying, keep your fingers crossed that you will get in contact with someone that will actually try to help you.

2. Contact customer support by email

If the representative on the app tells you that they cannot help you from their end, they are most likely going to recommend contacting their customer support by email.

To make the process go as fast as possible, include any details you can to explain why you deserve to be reactivated.

This could mean adding any pictures or videos you may have to show you were in the right.

If you can also prove that you were deactivated for reasons that were beyond your control you could have a high chance at getting reactivated

While Instacart states that a decision will be made 48 hours after they receive your appeal, there are instances where a response can take weeks, even months because of the large volume of emails that they are receiving.

Instacart also does not have exact rules for the guidelines that need to be met to get your account reactivated so your best bet is creating a strong appeal to prove to Instacart you deserve to get your account back.

If you are going through the appeal process, keep in mind that each decision is made on a case by case basis. Just because someone else got banned for their account for the same reason you did, it's possible only one of you will get reactivated.

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